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About Therapy

Therapy is different than talking to your friends about problems. Psychotherapists use a theory of change which describes why clients are having difficulties and defines specific methods to help clients change. Theories of change are often tested in research studies comparing how clients who get that therapy compare with those who do not. When many research studies show promising results for the theory of change, it will be described as an evidence-based model.


At Your Lighthouse Therapy, it is very important that you receive evidence-based therapy and that your therapist is competent to do the therapy with ongoing training and supervision to ensure a high level of excellence in your treatment. We also know that how connected you feel with your therapist and how much you can trust them is even more important than any evidence-based model, so we take a lot of time making sure you feel deeply heard, understood and valued.


The evidence-based treatment mainly used is Emotionally Focused Therapy - called EFT for couples, EFFT for families and EFIT for individuals. EFT is a type of short-term therapy developed in the 1980s and is rooted in research on love as an attachment bond. Most people understand that babies need a secure attachment to feel okay in the world. Still, romantic bonds are also attachment relationships, so when we struggle in our relationships, it is really hard to feel okay. How we feel about ourselves is deeply linked to how others see us, and our tendency to form deep attachment bonds throughout our lifespan is considered a survival strategy for humans. Imagine being in the wilderness at night:  would you rather be alone with a full belly or hungry but with someone who loves you? 


In all forms of EFT, we look at how clients get stuck in negative patterns of interacting with themselves and others, and we help them change those patterns. EFT effectively deals with problems with mood, past and present trauma, and difficult life transitions. With EFT, change happens in sessions as a result of the therapy and changes are seen at home after, often quite quickly.


Sometimes clients come seeking information and specific strategies. The evidence-based treatment used in these cases is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, where you will be advised on activities and reflections to practice between sessions. Sometimes clients need information about specific conditions or challenges they face. Areas we know really well are how to adjust to a chronic illness or injury, how to manage ADHD, learning disability or brain injury, how to grieve a loss, and how to heal after a traumatic event. We can help you navigate systems, such as the healthcare or education systems for your child.


EFT for Couples

Couples struggling with communication difficulties, conflict, feeling like roommates, or distress, can be helped. More complicated problems like infidelity, depression, coping with chronic illness/injury, trauma, grief/loss and life transitions can also get better. Falling out of love is a myth. Love is a feeling that gets blocked just like any other, and EFT can help you find that again. 


EFT for Individuals

EFIT is a very compassionate therapy that works for problems with mood, such as anxiety and depression. EFIT is also used for treating past and present trauma, healing after grief and loss, adjusting to major changes and feeling better about yourself. EFIT can help you understand why you feel stuck emotionally and help you move forward. People of all ages can benefit, including teens.


EFT for Families

EFFT is excellent for managing behavioural and mental health problems in children of all ages. EFFT helps parents feel more confident guiding and responding to their children and helps children talk to their parents and follow their parents' lead. It can also help families manage major transitions such as loss, separation/divorce. When young children join therapy, we use play to help make therapy engaging. Families with teens and even families with adult children can also be supported.

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